Sunday, August 12, 2012


Please Send us your Donations

Our Income Sources:
The MADRASA TAHFEEZ UL QURAN WAL HADIS KASSOWAL does not have any regular source of income neither the  MADRASA TAHFEEZ UL QURAN WAL HADIS KASSOWAL  is getting any grant from Government nor from any trust or any society except donations from the devote and god loving.
How Can You Help:
  • Take the responsibility or initiative either fully or partly to run any section of the  MADRASA TAHFEEZ UL QURAN WAL HADIS KASSOWAL.
  • Zakat, Sadqa, donation or monthly donation can be given to the  MADRASA TAHFEEZ UL QURAN WAL HADIS KASSOWAL.
  • Take part or help in construction of the  MADRASA TAHFEEZ UL QURAN WAL HADIS KASSOWAL , allotted any property asset, allotted any plot of land, in the name of your late relatives or friends as you like.
  • Help financially one Hafiz or few Hafiz studying in the  MADRASA TAHFEEZ UL QURAN WAL HADIS KASSOWAL , usually a student becomes Hafiz in four years. Estimated expenditure for each Hafiz is Rs. 33,600 totally.
  • Please help financially in giving of Salaries to the teachers of  MADRASA TAHFEEZ UL QURAN WAL HADIS KASSOWAL . Normally a teacher gets salary for Rs. 9,000/- per month.
  • Please pursue your relatives and friends for co-operation and co-ordination in giving financial help to the  MADRASA TAHFEEZ UL QURAN WAL HADIS KASSOWAL . Pray for the long life and progress of the  MADRASA TAHFEEZ UL QURAN WAL HADIS KASSOWAL .
  • Please help in print Media and publication, take responsibility in donating the cost of a particular literature or at least for one booklet or for any one item of print media.
  • You can bear one day expenditure of the MADRASA TAHFEEZ UL QURAN WAL HADIS KASSOWAL , or one month expenditure, or one year expenditure as per your finance.
  • Please Contribute Rs. 1000/- to any village Deeni Madrasa.
  • Construction of one complete Masjid.(3,50,000/-)
Methodology for Help:Those who are willing to give net cash, they are requested to come directly to the MADRASA TAHFEEZ UL QURAN WAL HADIS KASSOWAL . Or you may send a cheque on our bank A/c (No.000000, ORIENTAL BANK OF COMMERCE Kassowal  BRANCH) Further you can see and observe the management of the  MADRASA TAHFEEZ UL QURAN WAL HADIS KASSOWAL  in importing Islamic education to the students for your satisfaction.
If you want to send donations or financial help through cheque, demand draft or money order insha Allah receipt will be issued.
Humble Appeal: 
As you have been well aware of it that the  MADRASA TAHFEEZ UL QURAN WAL HADIS KASSOWAL  is among the oldest Islamic school of kassowal  which is facilities with residential and non residential teaching facilities. This Madrasa has been serving since the last 00 years; presently 215 students (Boys ) are studying. Out of this 143 students are provided with boarding facilities among them most of the students are very poor and belong to remote villages. A total of 167 students (boys ) have completed their Hifz .
The entire expenses of these children are fulfilled by Donors like you. We would like to inform you that the present expenditure is approximately Rs.1,25,000/- per month. Except for your kind contribution the Madrasa doesn’t have any other source of income. So once again we request you, to kindly bear the expenses of at least one student’s annual expenditure which is  Rs.8400/- per annum and get the reward from Allah Ta-aala.
We are happy to inform you that the managing committee of our Madrasa have established religious schools (Maktab) and appointed imamas in many villages of kassowal to stop the spreading of Christianity & Qadyaniyat and enlighten the poor Muslim villagers about the teachings of islam. Thousands of important religious books are translated and printed in telgu language these are then distributed free of cost in villages all over Andhra Pradesh.
We are fully hopeful that Like in the past, in future also you would cooperate and contribute for poor students in the form of Zakath, Sadqaate fitr and charities.
We are thankful to you for your support. We hope in future that you will extend your help for our Madrasa. May Allah Grant us all Muslim brothers and Sisters the best in both Duniya and Aakhirat. Ameen

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